Yoga has improved many areas of my life. Now I’d like to bring the benefits of this practice to others.

Yoga has improved many areas of my life. Now I’d like to bring the benefits of this practice to others.

My Background

I’m originally from Ireland but have called San Francisco home for half my life, with large spells in Costa Rica and Ireland since my initial arrival in San Francisco in 1999. I am a life long learner who loves to travel, meet new people, and learn new things. I believe in you regret the things you haven’t done, not the things you did.

My yoga journey

For years, I dipped in and out of my yoga practice. I saw it more as a complement to my regular workout rather than a lifestyle approach. During a particularly challenging period, I found myself drawn more to my practice and started to access a deeper understanding of myself and my experiences. During this time, my practice acted as an anchor when everything else was in flux. It allowed me to connect with myself more deeply, to gain insight into how I had arrived at that point. I finally came to understand what we mean when we say that our practice on the mat, is a reflection of our life away from it.

What I teach

My classes are focused on combining intelligently sequenced series, correct alignment and heart opening energy. I believe it’s important to build a strong foundational practice where you understand the correct alignment of each pose as well as any adjustments for your body. We all have different body types, so it’s important to understand what works best for you. I am currently studying yoga as a form of therapy to treat injuries and to help heal from trauma.